Stimulate Natural Hair Growth

Stimulate Natural Hair Growth

PRP Hair Restoration services near me- roswell, GA


Revitalize your hair naturally with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy. Harnessing your body's growth hormones from your own blood, it stimulates vibrant hair growth for a fuller, healthier mane.

Effective Hair Restoration for Both Men & Women

Whether due to genetics, hormones, or other factors, hair loss affects both men and women. Luckily, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy provides a natural and effective solution to stimulate hair growth. This minimally invasive procedure is not only affordable but also comes with no downtime or side effects. Since it utilizes your body's own PRP, there's zero risk of allergic reactions, making it a safe choice for all.

How Does PRP Therapy Work?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy involves extracting a small amount of your blood and separating the platelets using a centrifuge. These platelets are rich in growth factors that help stimulate tissue regeneration and repair. Once isolated, the concentrated platelets are injected into the treatment area, such as the scalp for hair restoration or the face for skin rejuvenation. The growth factors released by the platelets help promote cell growth, collagen production, and tissue regeneration, leading to improved hair growth or skin texture. This non-surgical procedure harnesses your body's natural healing abilities to achieve desired results.

A Trusted, Low-Risk Procedure with Proven Results

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy stands as an ultra-low-risk, clinically proven solution for both male and female hair loss, boasting a track record of numerous positive outcomes in the hair replacement industry. Beyond its efficacy in reversing established hair loss, PRP serves as a proactive treatment to address initial signs of hair thinning.

While relatively new in the context of hair loss treatments, PRP Therapy has been a staple in the medical field for years, notably reducing healing times for wounds. Its extensive use spans across orthopedic medicine, dentistry, and reconstructive surgery for over two decades, affirming its safety and effectiveness.


  • Experience the High Success Rate of PRP Hair Restoration Therapy, with results typically ranging from 70% to 90%. Rest assured, the majority of patients can expect positive outcomes.

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is ideal for those in the early stages of hair loss or with mild to moderate hair thinning seeking a non-surgical solution. Suitable candidates include individuals with various types of hair loss such as androgenetic alopecia or alopecia areata, provided they are in good overall health and have realistic expectations. A thorough evaluation by a qualified healthcare provider is essential to determine candidacy based on individual medical history and specific needs.

  • This all depends on the size being treated. Your appointment will typically range from 45-60 minutes on average!

  • Results from PRP treatments typically become noticeable within 3 to 6 months, with early signs of thicker hair shafts and new hair growth appearing within weeks after the initial session. To achieve optimal results, multiple sessions are generally recommended.

  • While individual responses may differ, typically, we recommend 3 to 4 treatment sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart for optimal results. Afterward, maintenance therapy can be scheduled every 6 to 12 months to sustain the benefits.